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Home » News » Eleven university sandbox programs set to boost Thailand’s skilled workforce to drive emerging industries 

Eleven university sandbox programs set to boost Thailand’s skilled workforce to drive emerging industries 

วันที่เผยแพร่ 7 August 2023

The higher education sandbox is a new measure introduced to pave the way for new education systems and innovations poised to deliver workforce for the future development. Thus far, eleven programs have been approved for sandbox implementation, expecting to produce up to 19,000 highly skilled professionals to serve the emerging industries. These programs are: 

  1. Emergency Medicine Program by Chulabhorn Royal Academy in collaboration with a network of ten universities and institutes in Thailand. The program which is undergoing budgetary considerations is expected to produce 15,000 licensed emergency medicine practitioners.  
  1. High-tech Entrepreneur Program by the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC). The program aims to produce a total of 400 technologists well versed in frontier knowledge. The first cohort is in session. 
  1. Artificial Intelligence and Digital Engineering Program by CMKL University in collaboration with a network of six universities. The program aims to produce 1,880 graduates. Three universities – CMKL University, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, and Prince of Songkla University – have admitted the first batch of students. 
  1. Science and Innovation Program by Thailand Academy of Sciences (TAS) in collaboration with Mahidol University and four research institutes. The program is expected to produce 175 graduates. Admission to the first cohort will soon be open. 
  1. Bachelor of Engineering Program in Computer Engineering and Digital Technology by Chulalongkorn University. The program is expected to produce 1,200 graduates, with the inaugural cohort has already been admitted. 
  1. Bachelor of Management Program in International Aviation Business Management by Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok. The program is expected to produce 300 graduates ready for careers as flight attendants. Admission has been opened. 
  1. Bachelor of Technology Program in Industrial Technology (Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicle) by Chitralada Technology Institute. The program is expected to produce 300 graduates. Admission has been opened. 
  1. Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Innovation Driven Entrepreneurship by Chitralada Technology Institute. The program is expected to produce 90 graduates equipped with management skill to lead BCG businesses. Admission has been opened. 
  1. Master of Business Administration Program in Creative Wellness Business Leadership by Mae Fah Luang University. The program is expected to produce 90 graduates to support the wellness industry. Admission has been opened. 
  1. Bachelor of Engineering Program in Manufacturing System Integration Engineering by Silpakorn University, Burapha University, and King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok. The program is expected to produce 60 graduates ready for careers in system integration. The program was approved for sandbox implementation in July 2023. 
  1. Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Integrative Wellness Tourism Management (Bilingual Program) by Burapha University. The program is expected to produce 200 graduates. The program was approved for sandbox implementation in July 2023. 