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NXPO participates in the Regional Forum on Policies to Promote Private Sector Engagement in STI 

วันที่เผยแพร่ 2 March 2024

NXPO recently took part in the Regional Forum on Policies to Promote Private Sector Engagement in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI). Hosted by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) on 29 February 2024 at the United Nations Convention Centre, the event brough together representatives from the public, private and academic sectors in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam (CLTV). 

The forum was inaugurated with opening remarks from distinguished guests, including Ms. Rupa Chanda, UN ESCAP; H. E. Mr. Seingheng Hul, Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation, Cambodia; Mr. Souksavath Sihapanya, Ministry of Education and Sport, Lao PDR; Dr. Surachai Sathitkunarat, Vice President of NXPO, Thailand; and Mr. Truong Phi Nguyen, State Agency for Technology Innovation, Ministry of Science and Technology, Viet Nam. In his speech, Dr. Surachai highlighted Thailand’s STI landscape and engagement of the private sector in STI. He also emphasized the importance of the Workbook on Policies to Promote Private Sector Engagement in STI as a tool for policymakers and practitioners to involve the private sector in STI development, and the Thai government’s commitment to human capital development to drive STI and startups to accelerate economic growth, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), domestic and regional collaboration to promote innovation. 

During the first session, Mr. Rafael Torquato Cruz of UN ESCAP and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Apiwat Ratanawaraha of Chulalongkorn University gave comprehensive presentations introducing the Workbook on Policies to Promote Private Sector Engagement in STI. The session also involved participants in prioritizing policies and measures proposed in the workbook, along with demonstrating the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to search for information within the workbook. 

NXPO International Policy Partnership Director Dr. Pranpreya Sriwannawit Lundberg represented Thailand in a panel discussion, alongside H. E. Mr. Seingheng Hul of Cambodia, Ms. Silinthone Sacklokham of Lao PDR, and Mr. Truong Phi Nguyen of Viet Nam, in the session on Leveraging Networks for Regional Cooperation in STI. Dr. Pranpreya discussed the importance of networking, especially between innovators and policymakers, in properly designing and implementing policies addressing regional challenges and navigating project implementation amid ever-changing conditions. She further outlined opportunities to expand collaboration among CLTV based on two current projects: STI platform for closed-loop plastic packaging and Policy design and implementation support: Sustainability of cassava value chain. 

The forum was concluded with closing remarks from Ms. Marta Perez Cuso, Economic Affairs Officer, UN ESCAP. She highlighted the success of projects under the South-South and Triangular Collaboration Programme on STI among CLTV and attributed this success to the active engagement of the four participating countries. 

This regional forum is part of the 2nd Phase of South-South and Triangular Collaboration Programme on STI among CLTV. Its objectives were to present the Workbook on Policies to Promote Private Sector Engagement in STI and discuss future STI policies in CLTV, focusing on human capital development through private sector engagement, policy support for startup growth and regional STI cooperation. 

More information on the South-South and Triangular Collaboration Programme on STI among CLTV and the Workbook on Policies to Promote Private Sector Engagement in STI can be found at the following links:, and