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Chorakhe Sam Phan Riverside Market to ignite cultural economy and community development 

วันที่เผยแพร่ 10 April 2024

NXPO President Dr. Kitipong Promwong attended the launch of the Riverside Cultural Market on 6 April 2024 in Chorakhe Sam Phan Sub-district, Suphan Buri Province. During the opening session, Mr. Don Samitakasettrin, Deputy Governor of Suphan Buri, delivered welcome remarks, while Mr. Vitavas Chaipakpoom, Secretary-General of King Prajadhipok’s Institute (KPI), gave an opening address.  

As a partner of this project, Dr. Kitipong addressed the audience, emphasizing that this cultural market project is an integral part of the KPI Advanced Certificate Course in Politics and Governance in Democratic Systems for Executives. NXPO and the students of this course played a key role in guiding community leaders and residents to design a community development strategic plan. Through a design thinking process, the strategic plan was formulated, consisting of five programs aimed at: 1) conserving the environment, 2) fostering unity and local pride, 3) combating drug abuse, 4) fostering economic development and job creation, and 5) revitalizing culture and tradition. 

“The cultural market serves as a crucial mechanism to drive the implementation of all five programs,” stated Dr. Kitipong. “A community body and a community enterprise were established to oversee the execution of the strategic plan, making it a truly community-driven initiative. Our strategic plan has been integrated into the sub-district development plan and is in progress to be incorporated into district-level and provincial-level plans. This market marks a significant milestone in driving community development, where the community and its leaders take ownership, serving as a catalyst for sustainable development.”  

The cultural market project was conceived during a foresight activity organized for people in Chorakhe Sam Phan by NXPO in collaboration with students from the KPI course.  The objective of the foresight activity was to devise a strategic plan for developing a cultural economy and eco-tourism for this area. Following the foresight exercise, a community body dedicated to cultural economy development was established, and a community development work plan was formulated, catalyzing economic and social development, job creation and income generation. The cultural market will act as a trading hub for cultural products and promote cultural heritage, driving the cultural economy forward for this community. 
