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Home » Overview – POLICY COUNCIL

After the establishment of the new Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI) May 2019, a new policy council named the National Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Policy Council (Policy Council) was established to replace the previous National Research and Innovation Policy Council. The council plays an important role in setting a cohesive and systematic policy and strategy for higher education, science, research and innovation, approving the allocation of the national science, research and innovation budget to relevant organizations according to the national strategies and monitoring the implementation of policy and strategy.  

Specifically, the Policy Council is prescribed by law with the following duties and authority:   

  1. Propose to the Cabinet for approval the policies, strategies and plans on higher education for the production and development of the country’s manpower as well as the country’s science, research and innovation plans that are in line with the national strategies, master plans and other plans, including the government’s policies;  
  2. Review and approve an annual budget framework for higher education within the scope and purview of the Ministry and a national annual budget framework for science, research and innovation before the Budget Bureau submits the same to the Cabinet;   
  3. Propose to the Cabinet for approval an integrated budget allocation and management system aligned with the policies, strategies and plans;  
  4. Supervise and guide the Science, Research and Innovation Promotion Commission, the Higher Education Commission, the Higher Education Standards Commission, higher education institutions, and research and innovation agencies under the national research and innovation system towards the direction pertaining to and consistent with the policies, strategies and plans;  
  5. Propose to the Cabinet the amendments to laws, rules or regulations relating to higher education, science, research and innovation in order to enhance global competitiveness, connect higher education, science, research and innovation with entrepreneurs, and promote sustainable developments and long-term solutions to community and social problems;  
  6. Recommend to the Cabinet fiscal measures and financial incentives as well as other privileges for the mobilization of funds to promote developments in higher education, science, research and innovation;  
  7. Follow up and assess the implementation of policies, strategies and plans on higher education as well as the country’s science, research and innovation plans;  
  8. Supervise, expedite and follow up the creation of a higher education database, higher education standards database, and science, research and innovation database as well as the integration of and connection between those databases; and to set out rules, procedures and conditions for public disclosure of such data.