On 16 March 2022, NXPO Vice President Dr. Kanchana Wanichkorn spoke at the DCT DIGITAL FUTURE TALKS, organized by the Digital Council of Thailand (DCT).

In her talk, Dr. Kanchana shared the survey results on high-skilled workforce demands in the strategic industries in the next five years (2020-2024). The study conducted by NXPO revealed that among twelve strategic industries, the digital industry has the highest demand for workers with 30,742 job openings as digital service and software sectors are expected to grow. Jobs in high demand are, for instance, data scientists, digital platform developers, AI specialists and data analysts, with skillsets including security assessments, data visualization and data engineering, and analytics and computational modelling.

For workforce supply, records of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI) showed that 101 universities in Thailand produced a total of 5,916 graduates in the area of digital technology in 2020. Data of the National Statistical Office suggested that in 2020, there were a total of 473,000 people working in the digital technology with jobs in the following categories: 1) software analysis and development, 2) database and network, 3) ICT specialist, 4) ICT support, and 5) ICT products and services.
A number of new measures have been introduced by MHESI in recent years to promote manpower development for strategic industries. These measures include Thailand Plus Package (tax incentives for enterprises engaging in staff training and hiring in STEM area and GenNX Model (an upskilling bootcamp). Higher Education Sandbox is a recently announced measure that allows universities to experiment with new educational innovation that will produce workforce to meet the labor market demand. In addition, NXPO has developed a database of high-skilled experts which can be used for manpower planning. The database can be accessed at https://talent.nxpo.or.th/. An establishment of Higher Education Fund is in the planning stage. The fund aims to support the development of high-skilled workforce and academic excellence of universities.
Survey results on high-skilled workforce demands in the strategic industries in the next five years (2020-2024) can be found at: https://www.nxpo.or.th/th/report/5532/