On 27 January 2024, Ms. Supamas Isarabhakdi, Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI), chaired the NXPO Executive Board meeting, where discussions centered on various topics, including an innovation fair in Bangkok aimed at promoting urban development.

Minister Supamas highlighted the pivotal role played by NXPO and the three PMUs operated under the auspices of NXPO, namely PMU-A, PMU-B, and PMU-C, in driving higher education, science, research, and innovation in Thailand. Their mission encompasses enhancing industrial competitiveness, supporting area-based development, promoting grassroots economy, developing skilled workforces, and facilitating frontier research. As the chairperson of NXPO Executive Board, she expressed pleasure to work alongside board members possessing rich experience and expertise.
“The Prime Minister places strong emphasis on policies to promote higher education, science, research and innovation in Thailand, serving as the chair of the National Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Policy Council (Policy Council),” said Ms. Supamas.

During the meeting, NXPO President Dr. Kitipong Promwong presented the 2023 NXPO performance report, focusing on four key areas: 1) freeing Thailand from the middle-income trap by 2037 through increasing the number of innovation-driven enterprises (IDEs), 2) fostering upward social mobility and reducing social inequality, 3) promoting sustainable development, and 4) upskilling workforces. With regard to sustainable development, the focus is placed on cutting back greenhouse gas emissions by 10 million tons through initiatives such as Saraburi Sandbox and Green Campus. The Saraburi Sandbox is a public-private partnership endeavor to establish a low-carbon city model in Saraburi province, while the Green Campus initiative promotes climate technology development and implementation in 50 universities. In term of workforce development, the target is to achieve 25% highly skilled workforce with 100,000 individuals expected to participate in any of 700 available training courses in 2024 and the implementation of higher education sandbox that encourages universities to launch new courses to meet the demand of labor market.
NXPO Vice President Dr. Siriporn Pittayasophon introduced an upcoming innovation fair in Bangkok, showcasing research and innovation from MHESI-affiliated organizations to the public. The project which is a collaborative effort of NXPO, Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI), PMU-A, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), and the Program Management Unit Network, aims to promote the utilization of research and innovation to support urban and community development.

The fair, scheduled for 1-3 February 2024, at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, will feature three zones: 1) Innovation in Education, 2) Smart City, and 3) Innovation City for All, which correspond to challenging areas identified by the BMA that can be addressed through research and innovation. Fifty-seven experts from twenty-two organizations will share insights during the 3-day event, which will also include the launch of City Lab and a presentation on an ideal city by the Children and Youth Council of Thailand.

Dr. Siriporn added that NXPO, TSRI and PMU-A expected that the fair will help raise awareness of research and innovation and promote their utilization to support urban and community development, enhance quality of life and build resilience.