On 11-12 June 2024, Dr. Siriporn Pittayasophon, Senior Strategist and Acting President of NXPO, Dr. Royboon Rassamethes, Director of Hydro – Informatics Institute (HII), Dr. Kitti Satjawattana, Director of Program Management Unit on Area Based Development (PMU A), along with staff from the Sustainability Policy Division at NXPO, representatives from communities, local administrative offices, provincial water information centers, water management innovators, and relevant organizations visited the Phrae Water Management Resources Center. The study visit aimed to learn about the strategy and success in water management in Phrae province.
Water management in Phrae is a successful example of provincial water management through community participation, resulting in strengthened community. Information technology was employed to support data collection, planning, and crisis management. Comprehensive online water maps at the subdistrict and provincial levels have been established to enhance water management efficiency and decision-making processes. HII’s engagement has strenthened human resource capacity and integrated provincial efforts into national coordination, setting an example in water management, addressing challenges faced by the farming sector, and boosting the provincial economy. This model has been adopted in 8 other provinces and the Trang River basin, and continues to expand through the Phrae Provincial Water Management Academy.

Dr. Siriporn stated that cooperations at all levels and the implementation of information technology are key to the success of Phrae’s water management. The model serves as a blueprint for national scale-up, to be implemented through a higher education, science, research and innovation mechanism and connected to other networks. The implementation aims to incorporate technology and innovation into water management at local and community levels, strengthening community-based water management as a foundation for sustainable water resource management at the provincial, regional, and national levels.

During this visit, the team traveled to Saroi Subdistrict, Wang Chin District, to study disaster management operations. With information technology, the Saroi Subdistrict Administrative Organization is able to implement an early warning system for disaster management, deploying timely assistance to prevent further damages to properties and people.

The team also visited Huay Mae Pa Yang Reservoir to study water management operations using gravity-fed and reservoir systems, managed with technology and data, and adapted to local contexts. The works include installing sediment-trapping weirs to reduce soil sedimentation, increasing water storage capacity, restoring upstream forest, and using a gravity-fed system for water distribution. These endeavors result in sufficient water supply for consumption and agriculture for the community.
This field study provides vital information for drafting the “Hydro-informatics for Future Thailand” policy framework, a joint initiative of NXPO and HII.