On 26 December 2024, MHESI-NXPO hosted a meeting with Ms. Arjaree Sriratanaban, Thai Ambassador to Australia, to explore collaboration opportunities between Thailand and Australia in research and human resource development (HRD). Key participants included Dr. Surachai Sathitkunarat, President of NXPO; Prof. Dr. Surin Khomfoi, Member of the Higher Education Commission; Assist. Prof. Dr. Worajit Setthapun, Chairperson of Global Partnership Program at PMU-B; Mr. Pawornwat Simaskul, First Secretary at the Royal Thai Embassy in Canberra; and Mr. Thanachai Thapthong from the Department of American and South Pacific Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The discussion focused on establishing a policy dialogue to define the Thailand-Australia collaborative framework, identify topics for joint research and HRD activities, and design co-funding model.
Ambassador Arjaree outlined the scope of current bilateral collaborations between Thailand and Australia, highlighting three key focus areas: food security, energy security, and human security. These initiatives cover the entire value chain, from research and product development to market access.

To initiate the collaboration, Dr. Surachai proposed a policy dialogue on “Food for Sustainability” which would also address related energy topics, such as renewable energy and bioenergy. NXPO offered to act as Thailand’s coordinator, facilitating stakeholder engagement. Proposed collaborative activities include joint research supported by co-funding mechanisms, staff exchanges, consortium formation, and the use of the talent mobility platform currently managed by PMU-B. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) was identified as a key potential partner from Australia based on its extensive networks and expertise in food for sustainability.
Dr. Surachai further suggested additional collaborative models, including the secondment of Australian experts to Thailand to enhance Thai human resources and foster a deep understanding of Thailand’s S&T landscape. He also proposed joint efforts in policy development and foresight activities. This meeting marks the beginning of deeper collaboration, paving the way for knowledge exchange and workforce development between the two nations.