NXPO and the National Research Foundation, Singapore (NRF) held a virtual meeting to discuss science, research, and innovation (SRI) management. Representatives from both countries shared strategies on budget allocation, STI policy formulation, and SRI monitoring and evaluation systems aiming to enhance support economic development and sustainability.

The meeting was led by Mr. Pasapong Areerak, Division Director of Public Administration in Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation System at NXPO; Ms. Elizabeth Heng, Senior Director for Strategy; Dr. Poh Wei Theng, Deputy Director for International Relations; and Mr. Tan Zhenyang, Deputy Head for International Relations/Urban Solutions & Sustainability. Discussions centered on STI system structures, budget allocation mechanisms, national STI planning, and monitoring and evaluation frameworks in both countries.

NXPO Policy Specialist Dr. Jompol Thongpaen and NXPO Policy Developer Dr. Chaniga Laitae presented Thailand’s centralized budget allocation system under the Second National STI Plan (2023–2027). The plan consists of four key strategies and 25 programs, covering target industries, advanced technology, social and environmental development, and STI workforce development. Funding schemes are managed through Program Management Units (PMUs) and Thailand Science Research Innovation (TSRI), with a SRI monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system in place.

NRF Singapore provided an overview of the Research, Innovation, and Enterprise (RIE) system and the RIE2025 plan. The presentation detailed NRF’s structure and functions since its establishment on 1 January 2006 under the Prime Minister’s Office of Singapore. NRF’s core responsibilities include policy setting and strategic planning to position Singapore as a global R&D hub. The agency oversees budget allocation through the 5-year RIE2025 plan and collaborates with implementing agencies to advance research and innovation. Additionally, NRF actively engages in international partnerships through joint research projects, cooperation agreements, and an international advisory board to align its investments with global trends.

Singapore’s five-year budget plan under RIE2025 (2021–2025) emphasizes a balanced approach between economic value creation and capability building. The plan allocates SGD 28 billion (approximately 1% of Singapore’s GDP per year) across four strategic domains: Manufacturing, Trade, and Connectivity (MTC); Human Health and Potential (HHP); Urban Solutions and Sustainability (USS); and Smart Nation and Digital Economy (SNDE). These domains are supported by three cross-cutting horizontals: Academic Research, Innovation & Enterprise (I&E), and Talent Development. The plan also includes “White Space” funding, which provides flexibility for emerging and unforeseen projects.

In the final session, representatives from NXPO, TSRI and NRF engaged in in-depth discussions on policy implementation, budget allocation mechanisms, and research collaboration. This exchange provided valuable insights into addressing common challenges and marked a significant step toward advancing STI systems in both countries.