Dr. Kitipong Promwong, NXPO President, joined a press conference on 6 March 2020. The press conference was co-organized by NXPO, Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI) and seven program management units to reveal science, research and innovation budget for FY2020.
At present, Thailand’s research system consists of TSRI responsible for science, research and innovation budget allocation, NXPO in charge of higher education, science, research and innovation policy and strategy and seven program management units (PMU) serving as granting bodies. Seven program management units are the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), the National Innovation Agency (NIA), the Agricultural Research Development Agency (ARDA), Health Systems Research Institute (HSRI), and three independent PMUs operating under the framework of NXPO which consist of PMU for Area-based Development, PMU for Competitiveness Enhancement and PMU for Manpower and Higher Education Institution Development.

In fiscal year 2020, the total government budget for science, research and innovation is 24 billion THB, a 4 billion THB increase from previously year. Of 24 billion THB, 8.384 billion THB is allocated to the Science, Research and Innovation Fund which is managed by TSRI. The Science, Research and Innovation Fund will be utilized according to the Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Policy and Strategy, which consists of four platforms: 1) manpower and knowledge development; 2) research, development and innovation for grand challenges; 3) research, development and innovation for competitiveness; and 4) research and development for area-based development and inclusiveness, and a system reform. The four platforms and system reform are made up of 16 programs: 1) National Brain Power Ecosystem, 2) Highly-Skilled Workforce for Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) and New Growth Engines, 3) Life-Long Learning and Future Skill Set, 4) AI for All, 5) Frontier Research, 6) Big Science, 7) Resources, Environment and Agriculture, 8) Aging Society, 9) Quality of Life and Security, 10) RDI for New Economy, 11) Startup, IDEs and Innovation Ecosystem, 12) National Quality Infrastructure and Services, 13) Local Economy and Innovative Community 14) Poverty Eradication, 15) Smart/Livable City, and 16) Reinventing Universities & Research Institutes.