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NXPO and the Global Compact Network Thailand announce a partnership on circular economy

วันที่เผยแพร่ 25 May 2021

NXPO and the Global Compact Network Thailand recently signed an agreement to cooperate on circular economy (CE) policy development. The signing was presided virtually by the Netherlands Ambassador H.E. Mr. Kees Rade. 

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In his opening remarks, Ambassador Rade praised the Thai government for making CE one of Thailand’s top agendas. Of equal importance to the commitment of the public sector is the cooperation from the private sector to adopt circularity. In the Netherlands, CE has been included in the national economic policy. Circularity is linked to resource consumption, climate change and greenhouse gas emission, and therefore promoting eco-friendly industry and resource-use efficiency is the key. Circular concept enables a 9% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands. 

CE policy of the Netherlands addresses three areas. Firstly, municipal waste production has been set to reduce from 100 kg/person to 30 kg/person in 5 years. Secondly, the government helps create demand for CE products through the government procurement program. Thirdly, international cooperation is promoted to ensure global sustainability. The Embassy of the Netherlands is pleased that the partnership between NXPO and the Global Compact Network Thailand will bring CE training course from CIRCO – a program supported by the Dutch government – to Thailand. 

Last year, NXPO released a CE white paper and worked extensively on waste management and recycle.  The office is currently working on CE Solution Platform that involves CE design all the way to creating service providers.  

CIRCO circular design course has supported over 1,000 companies in the Netherlands and 8 other countries such as Turkey, Indonesia and the EU members. The course in Thailand will target 10 business tracks over an 18-month period. 
